Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 84!

Well! I have been absent from the blog for a while, but if you do follow the Blipfoto you'll know that although I've struggled at points, I've posted every day so far and I'm 16 days from 100 photos. I never thought I would achieve this. I'm still 281 days from a full year, but now, there a times when I think "I just might do this!".

There is a somewhat sad note to this post though.

Whilst chatting with my mum the other day we came to a startling realisation. House Martins and Swallows no longer nest on the houses in our area. When I was little; which wasn't long ago, in fact I'm talking barely 16 years ago, they would nest under the eaves of all the houses. I can remember leaning out of my parents bedroom window every year to see them repairing the nests, and listen to the chicks and watch them being fed. Now, there's silence. It begs the question, where have they gone? Do they now nest elsewhere, or are they so in decline that the birds who did chose to nest here died and none returned to take their places?

I know one thing, I miss those days, and I miss them.