Sunday 20 March 2011

Day... 38!

Wow, day 38 already?! Where has the last month or so gone? It'll be the end of the month before I know it and I'll be back to freezing my tushy off watching Kent's warm up matches on the days I'm not working. First one is at Beckenham, bets are on for a Parakeet photo that week!

Birdwise, we have had 12 species in our garden today:
  • Goldfinch
  • Chaffinch
  • House Sparrow
  • Blue Tit
  • Wren
  • Dunnock
  • Starling
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Collared Dove
Tired this afternoon, I wanted a lie in but dragged myself up out of bed to go for a walk. Then I remembered that my monopod broke yesterday, and was informed (by the parentals) we wouldn't be going out for the day today, because we needed food and I needed to sort my monopod out. In the end however I took the top off of my horrible tripod and replaced the top on my monopod. Well done dad for figuring out that one.

So I have a fuctioning monopod, we have food in the house and we're off to either RSPB Dungeness, or maybe somewhere further if the weather is looking good tomorrow. Family discussion over sunday roast is needed to decide.

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