Thursday 3 March 2011


This is a very tired start to a new blog, which I should have started when I started Birding 365 on Blipfoto.

I'm currently bordering on dozing off, and I can barely remember much of this mornings walk down and RSPB Cliffe Pools, but I know I enjoyed it. This blog is intended to inspire people to visit my local areas, to record bird sightings, to keep a record of when the spring migrants arrive and then leave in the autumn, and finally a way for me to share the love and passion I have for birds, nature and preserving what's around us, no matter where we live.

My proudest achievement is the numerous bird species that now visit my garden, and the numbers in which they come to feed and breed. I love to wake up and hear the birds in the garden, and can't understand anyone who doesn't (no offence of course).

Tomorrow our car is going into the garage so no walk at either of my local RSPB reserves, but I'm sure I'll find something to blip and blog. Until then goodnight or good morning, depending upon which side of the globe you're on!

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