Wednesday 23 November 2011

Mulling things over

Today we headed out to the Mull of Galloway RSPB reserve, in the pouring rain and with the wind howling a hoolie across the Mull. Needless to say we didn't actually get out and go for a walk! We took a bit of a drive around the penninsular, and went to the filming location for "Two Thousand Acres of Skye." Which is neither on Skye, on an island, or anywhere near Skye.

Seeing as the weather was refusing to improve, we popped into Portpatrick for a look around, and then headed to Stranraer to pick up the A75. Creetown was next on the destination list, and the Gem Rock Museum. The setting for the museum couldn't be more idyllic, housed in the old school building, overlooking Creetown itself, it cuts an impressive figure. The collection itself is mindboggling in size, considering its a self made collection. We were lucky enough to be greeted by the original owners son, and he gave us a short history of the collection and the museum, as well as little annecdotes about his father, who had started the collection and his interest in lapidary.  We stopped for lunch there and the food was as good as the collection, well worth the visit!

After that we headed into the Galloway forest park to go see the Wild (feral, whichever) Goats. They were by the pull in car park, where they get fed during the winter months, and obviously I decided to take a few photos. Then a large black corvid appeared, at last! A Raven in full view and close enough for me to photograph, perfect. So despite the cold, wet and grey weather, I got my bird of the day and recorded a new species for Birding365!

Tomorrow: A book for all seasons, literally!

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