Monday 21 November 2011

Red is the colour.

Red was most definitely the colour today, as we went searching for Red Kites and Red Squirrels as RSPB Ken Dee Marshes. The weather was a decided improvement on yesterday, and seeing as Ken Dee wasn't all that far away, we were able to have a slow wake up and take our time getting there.

I was disappointed again when we arrived, because of the lack of geese. Ken Dee is reknowned for its Greenland White Fronted Geese, ALL of which were conspicuous by their absence. We squelched, for want of a better word, the mud was ankle deep in places, to the Goose viewing platform. All we saw were two Red Kites, a grumpy looking Buzzard and two Geese on a fly-past.

Off we squelched to the next hide, which was shut for maintenance. Today was shaping up poorly, until we reached the wooded part of the track. Fieldfares were everywhere, we saw a Willow Tit and a Bullfinch, which cheered me up immensely, then a Nuthatch appeared. For me, this was a good day, the weather was nice, and I'd seen a new bird and my two favourites. I could go home happy, and a little healthier after a 3 mile round trip once we were done.

We decided to head on to the furthest hide, to see if there were any geese out on Loch Ken, and see what else might be around. Well, there weren't any geese, but there were Teal, Snipe, a lone Goldeneye and a Cormorant. On the nut feeder there were masses of Coal Tits, Great Tits, Blue Tits and Chaffinches, a Greater Spotted Woodpecker and a Nuthatch and I got a brief glimpse of a Goldcrest! Not a bad days birding in all. The walk back was a killer, but it was topped off at the end by about forty Greenland White Fronted Geese flying overhead.

What about the Red Squirrels? Well, we decided to kill time before dusk and head down a few minor roads to see what wildlife was about, and as we where heading down one such road, we paused to look at some Roe Deer. Just as we pulled away, a Red Squirrel ran across the road in front of us, but I couldn't see him in the tree for a photograph! Today was good,  tomorrow is promising to be better.

Tomorrow: Swan Lake

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