Tuesday 29 November 2011

An Open Letter.

To whom it may concern, and you know who you are,

You should be ashamed of yourselves, destroying a Site of Special Scientific Interest, levelling homes, and destroying farming lives. Are you going to build around the historical buildings? Probably not, do you care? Definitely not.

Why exactly do you need a new bridge? Are you moving the M25? Why do we need another airport, when several airlines are filing for bankruptcy?

Its okay, we understand, those of us without a large sum of money, a privileged background, or that ever so wonderful silver spoon, are just here to be trodden on aren't we?

Take note, because we're gonna stir things up.

The peasants are revolting, and we are gonna £$%^ you over until you back down.



  1. Hello,
    I help out with the Kent Ornithological Society website. One of the things I am responsible for is locating photos of rare birds in Kent for publication on the KOS website. I was recently put onto your Rose Coloured Starling photo and was wondering if you'd be kind enough to allow it to be published on the website. Your photo would be fully credited to you in the time honored fashion. Many thanks, Gavin

    1. Of course you can! Thank you for asking, you're most welcome to use it.

  2. Wonderful, thanks so much!
    Would you mind emailing me your full name to gavcoultrip@gmail.com so I can credit the photo to you when I add it to the website in the next week or so.
    Thanks again, Gavin
